Here is a quick and easy list of our favorite tools, games, and resources that we love to use at Handwriting Solutions!
-Lite Brite Magic Screen - great for building fine motor control
-Alphabet & Number Puzzles - great for fine and visual motor skills and letter/number recognition
-Lacing Cards - works on fine motor precision and using both hands together
-Hi Ho Cherry-O Game - my personal favorite for pincer (index and thumb grasp) and use tongs for an added challenge

-Wooden Bead Board with Tongs - using tongs helps prepare the hands for a pencil grasp
-Winning Fingers Pop Up Game - like the old school Perfection game where speed and precision are important but with alphabet work build in
-Paint By Sticker - stickers are great practice for grasp patterns and controlling strength
-Wiki Stix with Alphabet Cards - excellent letter formation practice using multiple senses
-Any Handwriting Without Tears Products, including Stamp & See, Roll A Dough Letters, and any of the workbooks available at
Of course there are SO many more great options for games and toys but this short list should give you a great place to start... I mean finish ;) that holiday shoppping!
Want suggestions for a specific age or grade level? Just email me at
(Items above are linked to an Amazon Associate account. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)