At Handwriting Solutions, we want to be transparent and open with our clients. We realize that our services are an investment of your time and resources. The following describes the typical handwriting tutoring format but know that we are flexible and will work with your unique needs.

Before handwriting tutoring begins, a handwriting assessment will be completed with your child. This assessment will include a pre-interview with the caregiver regarding handwriting concerns and any relevant medical and educational information. This can take place online, in-person, or via phone call. A formal assessment will then be completed with your child either virtually or in-person. During this time, The Print Tool (a Handwriting Without Tears Assessment) will be completed as well as observations of the child during handwriting by our OT. Past written work will be reviewed as well and communication with the child’s teacher may also be needed. Once all information has been collected, the assessment will be scored, and results will be compiled and interpreted, and a written report will be completed. This report will include all of the above as well as recommendations and a plan for remediation, if needed.
If there is a need for handwriting services, Handwriting Solutions will work with you to determine a schedule to meet your child’s needs. Typically, the recommendation is twice per week in order to achieve the best results. The tutoring sessions are approximately 45 minutes long. These sessions may occur in-person or online. Sessions will be one-on-one unless otherwise noted. A packet of materials, including a workbook, writing tools, and fine motor tools, will be included with your bundle purchase. Additional materials may be recommended and purchased on your own. A reassessment usually will occur after 10 sessions (approximately 5 weeks, if twice/week) to ensure adequate progress. (This coincides with the bundle pricing of 10 sessions). Short homework assignments will be provided regularly and daily practice at home is expected and critical for handwriting progression.
As always, we are flexible and willing to work with families to meet each individual’s needs. Our goal is to make life easier for both you and your child! Let us know how we can help by setting up a free consult: