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Frequently Asked Questions
How does virtual handwriting tutoring work? How do you teach handwriting online?Virtual tutoring looks identical to in-person tutoring. Your student will have all of the physical materials mailed to them as well as any printables. The instructor demonstrates and facilitates through zoom with highly engaging instruction. While virtual is not for everyone, we have had great success for our students. Even if your child hated virtual school during the pandemic, virtual tutoring is individualized and 1:1 which is much more motivating!
How do I know if tutoring is right for my child?You are here because your child is struggling. You know that there is a gap in where they are and where they should be. Our assessment process digs into that gap to discover the barriers impacting your child’s writing and learning. Then a remediation plan is customized for your student to meet their individual needs. If you are unsure if this might be the right path for you and your child, schedule a free 15-minute consultation with us to find out.
Do you diagnose dysgraphia or other learning disabilities?While we do not diagnose dysgraphia or other disabilities (a neuropsychologist or educational psychologist is the expert for that), our assessment report can be utilized for support when and if your child is seeking out a formal diagnosis. Often it is essential for all team members to be a part of the diagnostic process and we are happy to collaborate with your child’s team.
Is there a contract?We value each family and their unique circumstances. We do not require a contract, but we do require investment in our tutoring bundle (10 sessions per bundle) to guarantee commitment and progress. Research has shown that consistency leads to the best outcomes. However, if your family needs to take a break for vacation or summer break, we get that and encourage you to do what is best for your family unit.
What are the payment options?Payment for assessments and tutoring bundles are through our website via credit card. Payment for the initial assessment is required prior to that appointment. Payment for a bundle of 10 tutoring sessions is required prior to beginning tutoring.
How frequent/long are the sessions?Tutoring sessions are 45 minutes in length. Typically the first 10-15 minutes is working on foundational skills and preparing the brain and body to learn. Then 20-25 minutes include the handwriting lesson based on your student’s current goals. Then final 5 minutes is spent educating the caregiver to ensure practice and carryover at home and school. Sessions are typically 1-2x/week. Duration depends on your child’s individual needs, ranging from 1-3 months to 1-2 years. Some students simply need a boost and some explicit instruction, while others need to start at the foundations and build up to grade appropriate standards.
Can I buy materials and teach my child myself?I wish it were that easy! Of course you can purchase materials and DIY, but we have heard that parents find it challenging to stick with a consistent schedule, or their child is not as “eager” to work for them. And finally, our team is HIGHLY trained and understands all of the integral parts that go into writing, from language to motor to sensory to visual to brain. While it may look easy on the outside, so much is happening for the student when they engage in handwriting tutoring. (EVENTUALLY, we will have an on-demand course to send them to here that is a bit DIY).
Doesn’t my child’s school teach handwriting?Ideally they would, and some schools do. But many have removed handwriting from the curriculum or do not spend near enough time explicitly teaching handwriting. This leaves our struggling learners with inadequate foundations making them fall even further behind. Likewise, many schools no longer instruct on cursive writing, or spend a minimal amount of time on it. We work with students who need full remediation of their handwriting to students who simply want to learn cursive.
Why is handwriting so important?Handwriting is EQUALLY important as reading when it comes to literacy. Reading is decoding and taking the information in, while writing is encoding and showing what you know. A student’s writing is used to reflect what they understand. When a child struggles with writing, their academics suffer, their self-esteem suffers, and their overall literacy is impacted. Becoming a fluent and automatic writer is an essential academic and life skill. While technology can bridge the gap for our students who struggle, we must also give them the foundational writing skills to set them up for success.
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