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Dysgraphia: What It Is and How We Can Help!
Most people at this point have heard of Dyslexia, and many are discovering that Dyslexia is not exactly seeing words backwards. Dyslexia...

Strengthening the Core for Handwriting
Tired of hearing about the importance of core strength?! I get it! But... a strong core is one of the MOST important factors in...

Occupational Therapy or Handwriting Tutoring: Which One Does My Child Need?
Each child has unique strengths and needs, so deciding whether your child could benefit from occupational therapy (OT) and/or handwriting...

Development of Pencil Grasp from an OT Perspective
Observing a baby grasp a toy or pick up a bite of food for the first time is fascinating! You can just see their determination as they...

Handwriting Assessment and Tutoring: The Details
At Handwriting Solutions, we want to be transparent and open with our clients. We realize that our services are an investment of your...

Does Your Child Have a Diagnosis? Handwriting Tutoring for a Variety of Needs
A wide variety of children, teens, and even adults can benefit from intensive, explicit handwriting tutoring. Many individuals who...

Last Minute Holiday Gifts to Develop Handwriting Skills!
Here is a quick and easy list of our favorite tools, games, and resources that we love to use at Handwriting Solutions! -Lite Brite Magic...

How Do I Know if My Child Needs Handwriting Help? Red Flags for Handwriting Issues
First, know that we believe every child develops and grows at their own unique pace. We meet a child where they are developmentally, and...

Is Your Child Tired of Sitting at a Desk? Different Positions for Handwriting
Did you know there are so many aspects and skills that go into maintaining balance while sitting in a chair at a desk? Your child needs...

Handwriting Does NOT Start With The Hands!
Say what?! Handwriting preparation begins at the core, not the hands. Yes the hand and fingers are crucial, and building strong fine...
Handwriting Tutoring Online... How Does That Work?
Tired of putting your child in front of yet another screen? Worried your child is falling behind from all of the virtual learning over...
Easy Fine Motor Tasks to Prepare Your Child for Handwriting
Diving into handwriting before warming up is like running a marathon without stretching first. Your muscles will be stiff, your body...
Typical Handwriting Milestones: The Basics
Most parents know the basics for child development... when your child should crawl, walk, eat solid foods, etc. Similarly, educators...

Welcome to Handwriting Solutions Blog!
Hello and welcome to Handwriting Solutions website and blog! This will be a space where expert advice is shared, resources are...
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