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Q is for Quality
Quality, the "degree of excellence" of something. Look, we aren't out here to make everyone have perfect penmanship! Our goal is...

P is for Pace, Placement, & Posture
Ahh, I couldn't pick just one "P" - ALL three of these are so important to handwriting! So let's dive right in. Pace, this is the speed...

O is for Occupational Therapy
Did you know that many people still do not know what OT is or what we do?!? Well, this post is going to deep dive into all things...

N is for Neatness
Neatness is a very subjective thing. What is neat and organized to one person, may not be for another. One definition of NEAT is "done...

M is for Multisensory
This is a BIG one! You have probably heard of multisensory as it is a bit of a "buzzword" right now in the educational world. But for...

Developmental Teaching Order: Capitals & Lowercase
CLICK here for your own printable PDF document! CLICK here for your own printable PDF document!

L is for Literacy !
Literacy is simply defined as “the ability to read and write.” Often people just consider reading when thinking about a child’s...

K is for Keyboarding
Yep, we talk about keyboarding at Handwriting Solutions. Keyboarding skills are essential to communicating with written expression. ...

J is for Journals & Workbooks
Personally, I love to keep a journal handy to jot down quick notes, write ideas or to-do lists, or even scribe longer passages for blog...

I is for Isolation of Fingers
What does Finger Isolation mean? A child needs to be able to initiate movements with each finger separate from the others. This is a...

H is for Handedness
A hand preference is typically developed by age 3, meaning you will observe if your child is right or left-handed. Some kids establish...

G is for Grasp !
As an OT and handwriting to tutor, one of the first things I look at is a child’s hand during writing. Observing the hand tells me SO...

F is for Force of Pencil
Does your child or student constantly rip holes in their paper from writing? Do they erase so hard that it rips the page? Do they break...

E is for Explicit Teaching
Listen... ALL the research shows that reading and writing instruction must be systematic and explicit. ( Vanderbilt University ,...

D is for Development
A child’s development of fine, visual, and gross motor skills all impacts their development of handwriting. Children cannot be expected...

C is for cutting! ✂️
Scissor skills are a fundamental for fine motor development in children. Cutting encourages separation of the two sides of the body,...

B is for Brain Connections
In a study by James & Engelhardt, the profound effect of handwriting experience on functional brain development was observed. Evidence...

A is for Alphabet Knowledge
According to the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning, alphabet knowledge and early writing are...
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