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Screen Time vs Scribbles: Is Your Child's Handwriting Missing Out
Real talk here. Listen, I get it. Screens SURROUND us. They are part of our daily life. We cannot avoid them. But, hear me out.......

Empowering Students: School Accommodations for Handwriting within an IEP or 504 Plan
Introduction Inclusive education ensures that all students, regardless of their unique needs, receive a quality education. For students...

Dysgraphia or Written Expression Disorder: What is the Difference?
WOW! If you are on any social media groups for Dysgraphia, you know that this diagnosis can be misunderstood and bring about a wide...

Is it Dysgraphia or Is it Missed Learning?
Reality check: we are now 3 years post-COVID and beginning to see the ramifications and impacts on our children. I won't be all gloom...

5 Strategies for Pencil Pressure (Plus a bonus tip!)
Does your child rip holes in the paper from pushing way too hard? Or break their lead a dozen times? Or does your child write so gentle...

Resource Guide: Learning, Handwriting, & Dysgraphia
Here is your comprehensive guide of our favorite resources! We have weeded through and found the best of the best to share with you....

Florida Panhandle Resource Guide
This is your guide to services in the Emerald Coast & beyond, but especially if you reside in Walton or Okaloosa Counties. This guide is...

Z is for Zoom
Look I get it, you may have a negative reaction when I say the word "zoom" or "virtual" or anything to do with learning on a computer! I...

Y is for YOU !
I'll say it again... YOU! You are the child's greatest asset. YOU are the best resource, their biggest supporters, the advocate. ...

Dysgraphia Awareness Day
Here is an excerpt from the amazing Dysgraphia Awareness Day! We were so happy to be a part of this day to raise awareness, define...

X is DysleXia ;)
Had to get creative with this one? Only so many words start with an /X/! Plus let's just say, this topic is a HUGE one and relates to...

W is for Wrist Stability
Most people think of hand and finger strength and coordination when they think of skills for handwriting. However, multiple body systems...

V is for Visual Skills
"My kid has 20-20 vision, so I'll just skip this post".... I wouldn't do that if I were you! You are about to learn more than you ever...

U is for Uppercase & Lowercase
Why dedicate an entire post on upper- and lower-case letters? It actually is quite important to know and understand the differences of...
Holiday Gift List - Therapist Approved !
Check everyone off your list with these games that challenge fine and visual motor skills to the next level! OT approved & guaranteed to...

T is for Tutoring
Do you just teach handwriting or what does handwriting tutoring really mean? This is one of the most common questions we get, as many...

Different Paper Types: Which One Do I Choose?
Just google "handwriting paper types" and you will get over 2 BILLION hits, WHOA! So yes, this can be an overwhelming area of...

S is for Size
Size Matters! No really, with handwriting, size really does matter ;) In fact, one area of our handwriting evaluation assesses a...

R is for Repetition
Repetition is defined as the action of repeating something. With handwriting, repetition is KEY to automaticity and fluency (will...
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